Shake Diet Meal Plan and Shopping List

To ensure you get the most out of the 12 Week Program, we have provided you with a weekly meal plan. The meal plans below are available in 1-shake or 2-shake options which feature the same (or very similar) calorie content.

The recipes have been developed by Tony Ferguson's Accredited Practising Dietitian and cater to multiple dietary needs and preferences.

Each of the recipes featured in the meal plans can easily be adapted for the entire family and substituted for any other within the list on the Recipes page to suit your dietary needs, taste or preference.

Our dietitian has provided a Food & Exercise diary to help you monitor your calorie intact, and keep you on track with your weight loss journey.

About The Tony Ferguson Shake Diet Meal Plans 

The Tony Ferguson  meal replacement diet plans are designed by our dietitians to complement the Tony Ferguson shake range and ensure long-term, sustainable weight loss. Following a full diet plan, rather than just replacing some of your meals with shakes, will support you to achieve weight loss success while maintaining good nutrition.

Each diet meal plan includes breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as morning, afternoon and evening snacks. The meal plans can be easily adapted for dietary needs including gluten free, dairy free, vegetarian and vegan diet plans. On the shake diet plans, one or two meals each day is replaced with a Tony Ferguson shake. All of our shake range provide a healthy source of fibre and protein and satisfy nutrient requirements while managing calorie intake.


Grocery List

Our weight loss shopping list has been developed by dietitians as a guide when shopping for vegetables, carbohydrates, condiments and flavourings, fluids, fruits, healthy fats, meat and meat alternatives and snacks. The weight loss shopping list also includes recommended serving sizes to help guide you to make healthy portion choices.

Shake Diet Plan Tips & Considerations

The Tony Ferguson diet meal plans are designed to begin your journey towards better health. We recommend visiting our Motivational Tips to help you stay motivated and successfully make it through the Tony Ferguson 12 Week Program.

We recommend 30 minutes of exercise each day to boost your general health and well being. Check out our 12 Easy Exercise Tips for further guidance and to help get you started.


28- Day Weight Loss Program Guide 

Lose up to 5kg in 28 days. No matter the weight loss journey you’re on, we’re here to support you with our dietitian advice, a wide range of tasty & nutritious weight loss products, healthy recipes, motivational tips and a weekly food & exercise diary to help you kick-start your weight loss journey. Download the guide.