Dietitians Corner
Prediabetes Prevention: Why You Should Say Goodbye to These 7 Unhealthy Foods
Pre-diabetes develops when blood sugar levels are higher than usual but not yet high enough to be considered as type 2 diabetes. Think of it as an early warning sign that you are at high risk of developing diabetes in the future. Your risk of developing diabetes in the future is 10 to 20 times greater compared to those with a normal blood sugar level and it is a good time review your diet and exercise patterns.
Diabetes & Weight Loss Tips
If you are pre-diabetic, or have Type II Diabetes, you have something called insulin resistance, which means that your body can’t use insulin as well as it should be able to. Click the link to read more.
Do you have Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
In spirit of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Awareness month, we wanted to share information on the topic and what you can do if you think you have symptoms.
Is menopause the cause of my weight gain?
There a several possible reasons why your weight may change while going through menopause. Our dietitian recommends the possible reasons that could be the cause for this and ways to avoid this.