Prediabetes Prevention: Why You Should Say Goodbye to These 7 Unhealthy Foods

Prediabetes Prevention: Why You Should Say Goodbye to These 7 Unhealthy Foods

Pre-diabetes develops when blood sugar levels are higher than usual but not yet high enough to be considered as type 2 diabetes. Think of it as an early warning sign that you are at high risk of developing diabetes in the future. Your risk of developing diabetes in the future is 10 to 20 times greater compared to those with a normal blood sugar level and it is a good time review your diet and exercise patterns.
exercise if you are not eating

How to lose weight if you are not exercising?

Weight loss is easier if you exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet. However, if this is not possible due to an injury or a health issue, you may need to pay closer attention to your diet and consider some of the following options.
June 01, 2023
Lose fat, not muscle for long term weight management

Lose fat, not muscle for long term weight management

When we lose weight, we typically lose a combination of fat and muscle. When we lose weight, we are eating less calories than our body needs and therefore creating a calorie deficit. To compensate for this reduced energy coming in from food, the body breaks down both fat and muscle to make up the difference. 
March 02, 2023
Tags: Exercise
Diabetes & Weight Loss Tips

Diabetes & Weight Loss Tips

If you are pre-diabetic, or have Type II Diabetes, you have something called insulin resistance, which means that your body can’t use insulin as well as it should be able to. Click the link to read more.
Reduce joint and back pain with diet and exercise

Reduce joint and back pain with diet and exercise

Carrying excess weight can come with many problems, including joint pain from added compression and stress at your knees, ankles, hips, and back. 
June 21, 2021
Find a Weight Loss Buddy

Find a Weight Loss Buddy

You’ve probably thought about your exercise and diet when it comes to losing weight, but have you thought about the psychological side of your goals?
March 30, 2021
Beat the bloat

Beat the bloat

Bloating can be caused by sluggish digestion, eating the wrong foods, time of the month or other, less obvious reasons such as the way you eat or being stressed at work!
March 16, 2021
Tips on how to lose weight as a couple

Tips on how to lose weight as a couple

If your goal is weight loss, you might benefit from doubling down on your motivation by inviting your partner to join you! If both you and your partner wish to create some healthy habits together, you can...
February 12, 2021
Weight Loss Motivation

Weight Loss Motivation

As a dietitian, I often have people asking me how they can get motivated to lose weight. The simple answer is, it’s not something that can be packaged up and handed to you on a silver platter. Everyone has different motivations when it comes to weight, health, fitness and nutrition.
November 11, 2020
How to be more active from home?

How to be more active from home?

With many of us spending more time at home now, being more active and adding some structure to our daily routine has never been more important for our physical and mental health. 
April 30, 2020
Tags: Exercise