Dietitians Corner
How to lose the baby weight?
How to lose the baby weight? There are lots of ways and things that you can do while having a newborn. Read this blog for the tips and tricks on how!
Do you have Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
In spirit of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Awareness month, we wanted to share information on the topic and what you can do if you think you have symptoms.
4 Tips for a Healthy Easter
Easter is a lovely long weekend for relaxing and spending time with family and friends, but it can also strike fear in those who are trying to avoid chocolate and stay on track. Not only do we have to deal with the Easter weekend, but also the weeks leading up to it. It's no surprise that by Easter, we feel like breaking free and abandoning our healthy eating plans.
How to boost your immune system while you lose weight
There is no clear evidence that losing weight (gradually and in a healthy way) makes you more susceptible to illness or colds. However, if you are 'undernourished,' your immunity may suffer. This means you’re not getting enough vitamins, minerals and nutraceuticals your body requires to function properly.
Is menopause the cause of my weight gain?
There a several possible reasons why your weight may change while going through menopause. Our dietitian recommends the possible reasons that could be the cause for this and ways to avoid this.
Lose fat, not muscle for long term weight management
When we lose weight, we typically lose a combination of fat and muscle. When we lose weight, we are eating less calories than our body needs and therefore creating a calorie deficit. To compensate for this reduced energy coming in from food, the body breaks down both fat and muscle to make up the difference.
5 ways to use Tony Ferguson High Protein Shakes!
We have created 5 ways that you can use our Tony Ferguson Shakes, read to find out more and start cooking!
The Stages of Weight Loss
Our Dietitian Domino Puttick has put together phases that you need to go through when it comes to weight loss but broadly speaking, we can divide them into three phases: Preparation, Weight Loss/Progress, Maintenance of results.
Recipe: Low Carb Green Smoothie
One of our favourite low carb green smoothie recipes that we are loving at Tony Ferguson. Read our blog to find out how to make it!
Spinach: The Natural Appetite Suppressant
A high appetite can be a strong driver for weight gain and can also be a deterrent to continuing your diet. Spinach's appetite suppresses these qualities and slows down, keeping you fuller for longer.
Vegetarian Protein Intake
Whether you choose to eat a vegetarian diet or not, they often are a great intake of fruit, vegetables and wholegrains. Preparing for a day of healthy snacks can be crucial as you will end up feeling hungry if you don't - read on to find out more.
Stress & Weight Gain
Is there a link between stress and weight gain? You may have heard that anxiety, depression and stress can cause weight gain – and while this can be true, an exact mechanism of the cause hasn’t been identified yet.